Portuguese is not Spanish!
It seems my language issues continue. Guess what folks? Portuguese is almost nothing like Spanish, and my English babbling has caused some confusion. Today I ordered an espresso, and then I asked for it to have just [...]
It seems my language issues continue. Guess what folks? Portuguese is almost nothing like Spanish, and my English babbling has caused some confusion. Today I ordered an espresso, and then I asked for it to have just [...]
Every day that starts at 4:30 a.m. is a rough day, at least in Cindiland. But the carrot at the end of this day was a sugar beach in Tulum, 1,700 miles, 40 degrees, and a [...]
Oh today. Today. Today. Today. Today was a day of happiness, fear, and loathing, though not exactly in that order. Strap in. It’s a weird one. I fell in love with Tulum today mostly thanks to [...]
I arrived in Rome today, and I am even less a fan of the Italian train system that I was when the ticket witch charged me €64 (about 80 bucks) on the last train for not showing [...]
Today was a marathon journey of 15 hours, 5,000 miles, 95 degrees Fahrenheit, and a thousand degrees of cultural separation. My companion is the woman who made me, so yes, you could say it is a [...]
Yeah, I know it’s been quiet from down here - we have been like a tumbleweed picking up speed as we moved through our days in Colombia, and generating the well-formed sentences to tell you about [...]